The Willie Bauld Memorial Club


On the 12th March 1977, a group of members of the Midlothian Suite/ Rosebery Suite and the Ace of Hearts Club, which were all part  of a SociaI Club located at the rear of the Tynecastle Stand, organised a collection for flowers for the funeral of WiIlie Bauld, who died the previous day.The response was so great that it was proposed to form a Memorial Fifty Club, with restricted membership selected by the founder members who were Jimmy Hay, Arthur Muir and Tom Watson. A number of fund raising events were held, and with the proceeds added to the remainder of  the collection money, theWiIlie Bauld Cup was made. The Cup was designed by Jim Daly, a Sheffield man, and it was, and still is, a thing of beauty, being entirely hand made.

A medal die was cast, and a silver medal is presented to invited persons who are accepted as members. This membership is still controlled by the Club Executive Commitee, which until recently included Tom Watson, one of the original three founder members who formed the Governing Council.

The object of the Club is to ensure that Willie's name is honoured in perpetuity, by having the Cup competed for as long as football is a  recognised sport.

The aim of the Club is to ensure that funds are available to make the above possible, and the members make an annual contribution towards this  end.

When the Social Club closed, a number of members lost touch, and we experienced lean years during which time the Club survived mainly through  the determination of it's founder members.

The Club changed it's name to the "Willie Bauld Memorial Club" in the late 1980's, and during the last five years there has been an increase in membership, with a corresponding increase in enthusiasm.

The Club has succeeded in recent years donating pennants and medals to the Scottish Cup Under-14 Youth Finalists. Consideration is also given, when possible to assisting other worthwhile causes.

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